Having shared a lot of laughs with flight attendant friends over the years I know that they have some great tales to tell, so when I heard there was a book called Confessions of a Qantas Flight Attendant: True Tales and Gossip from the Galley I knew I’d found my next holiday read.
In his first book author Owen Beddall shares what it’s really like to take care of everyone in the sky, mixing tales from flying first class to London with celebrities to economy to Bali with drunken backpackers.
As well as having a good laugh reading the book, I picked up some interesting travel tips along the way and so I couldn’t resist asking Owen Beddall ten questions….
What’s the best thing about your job?
Being the author of Confessions of a QANTAS Flight Attendant has opened many doors and many crew contact me with their #confessions. (LAUGHS OUT LOUD). I get to travel and meet creative people and not have to toe any company cult like management system. Also, I get to see things from a passengers point of view. (And the crew know they can’t pull one over on me). Lots of travel people ave approached me for certain things and I meet fabulous people like you.
If you could change one thing about your job what would it be?
It would be to publish through the big parent companies in NYC or UK. That makes things easier and cuts a tour like mine in half but that was still fun. I guess the one thing is I would try and bring publishing people into the digital and now world but with respect to books. A bit of Miley Cyrus cross the Beatles.
What’s something about your role that you wish people understood?
That I am only presenting a perspective. As a writer and a traveller and a person we are given one set of eyes and we see things through them. People get so caught up if you don’t say the right thing or their point of view but hey, that is the beauty. I will say though, corporate indoctrination is so powerful and sometimes I look at these little workforces like armies to protect their (ailing and crap) brands and all I can do is applaud. I can now see how BIG CEO’s sit at the top of malleable work forces and laugh at what they can dictate.
What’s your favourite thing to do on your day off?
Truly, either go out for a fab lunch (probably seafood) with great people and eat and drink all afternoon and get hammered into the evening or have a nice long massage and radox bath (followed by some sedatives) 🙂
What’s a cheap and cheerful food secret you (usually) only tell your friends?
OMG! Well here is a #Confession…….When I am in Australia, I literally buy Vegemite and water crackers (it a total of about $2)
If money was no object, where would you go for lunch or dinner?
I would fly (private) to this steak restaurant in Brussels. I don’t even know the name and we would wind the cobbled streets until magnificence. It is out of this world. The best steak Ive ever eaten. And pom frittes, too.
Where do you take a friend when they come to visit?
I always go to the Balkan restaurant in Darlinghurst and always Opera Bar. Got to show off our beautiful girlfriend – Sydney. I always love Crown Street in Surry Hills. I am always discovering little bars and cafes.
What’s the best shopping experience in town?
I would have to probably DFO out at Homebush for real bargains but I do love DJ’s in the city. There is something special about their windows especially at Christmas.
Is there a local tourist cliché that’s actually worth doing?
Definitely the bridge climb. I did it years ago and you go up and see sunset (Amazing) and come down when the night has hit and Sydney has lit up all of her lights.
Is there a tourist attraction nearby that you can’t believe you still haven’t visited yourself?
Probably sculptures by the sea. (sighs, I know). I say I will go every year and still haven’t been. I will go, promise!!!
“Confessions of a Qantas Flight Attendant: True Tales and Gossip from the Galley” by Owen Beddall and Libby Harkness is out now through Random House.
Want to read some more flying tales? Check out my reviews of Singapore Airlines Suites (it’s a whole other level above First Class) and my look at Virgin Atlantic’s Upper Class.
You may also want to check out whether Qantas premium economy is worth spending the extra money.
Oh I read his book while on a trip overseas. It seemed absolutely fitting (the only thing was that I wasn’t on a Qantas flight but another airline).
Perfect! I had a couple flight attendants from another airline ask me what it was like. Be interesting to hear what they thought of it as well.